What comes to your mind when someone talks about poultry veterinary practice? Well, I know it can be a broad term. The method of poultry veterinary medicine includes all aspects of preventing,...
When we talk about dairy research, the key to unlocking some answers for questions such as the importance and function of protozoa in the rumen environment and in methane mitigation can lie with...
What determines the success of a beef farm? There are a lot of answers to that question, including animal health, welfare, nutrition, reproduction, and overall performance, environment and...
There has lately been an increased prevalence of a new salmonella serotype in the US. This monophasic serotype is one of the most prevalent and can be a concern for producers if pigs become...
Dealing with extensive housing systems for laying hens is no easy task, and changing the production system is just as hard. Lately, we’ve been seeing some movement towards conversion from...
Society's expectations towards the dairy industry have been dramatically changing in the past few decades. Consumers not only demand that the products have high quality, but they also want to know...
The rumen is probably the most important machinery that drives cows’ production and health, yet there remains a lot that is unknown of how the rumen actually works. Mimicking the rumen...