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The Dairy Podcast Show - #17 - How can we succeed with alfalfa and perennial forages? the dairy podcast show Jan 02, 2023

Cutting costs with feed is becoming a challenge on dairy farms due to increasing prices. In that scenario, growing adequate quantities of high-quality forages with quality and productivity is a key...

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The Poultry Podcast Show - #20 - Broiler and breeder nutrition and management: strategies for optimal production the poultry podcast show Jan 02, 2023

The purpose of broiler and breeder nutrition and management is to ensure that the birds receive adequate nutrition and care as to support optimal growth and production. It can include selecting...

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The Beef Podcast Show - #6 - Improving beef cattle systems through prediction and association models the beef podcast show Dec 27, 2022

Each different management practice causes many changes to beef production systems. Therefore, the key to success is to identify the ones that cause problems and the ones that better improve the...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #34 - What is required to operate a commercial research program? - Part 1 the swine health blackbelt Dec 26, 2022

There are a lot of details and inner workings in a swine research facility, especially when it comes to running it at a commercial level and dealing with customers who expect top-notch, quality...

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The Poultry Podcast Show - #19 - As tender as they come: strategies for ensuring high-quality chicken meat the poultry podcast show Dec 26, 2022

The quality of chicken meat is an important factor for the poultry industry and its consumers. In that sense, defects are a common concern, and they include white striping, woody breast, and...

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The Dairy Podcast Show - #16 - Improving the efficiency of a dairy herd through genetics the dairy podcast show Dec 26, 2022

Genetics can be a powerful tool for improving the efficiency of dairy herds, so it is vital that we keep up with the latest advances in genetic trait selection. With that in mind, there are two...

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The Beef Podcast Show - #5 - Understanding and addressing antibiotic resistance in the beef industry the beef podcast show Dec 20, 2022

Antibiotics are commonly used to prevent and treat diseases, but their overuse or misuse may lead to antibiotic resistance in cattle. Resistance to antibiotics occurs when bacteria evolve to...

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