The Feed Science Podcast Show - #16 - The intricate nature of creating effective food safety plans
Oct 17, 2023Food and feed safety serve as cornerstones in the agriculture and food industry, as they are intrinsically linked to product quality, public health, and the success of producers and manufacturers. Recognizing the importance of these practices, we dive into the intricate nature of creating effective food safety plans, ensuring compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), and implementing food safety solutions in real-life scenarios. In this episode, I received Scott Hawks, a professional that brings along a unique journey filled with research, innovation, and immeasurable experience - all culminating into his renowned expertise in food safety and microbiology.
What you'll learn:
○ Critical components of creating a quality food safety plan
○ Preventive control
○ Variability in hazard analysis
○ Strategic resource allocation in hazard control
○ Improving operational efficiency
Meet the guest:
Scott Hawks
○ Senior Food Safety and Regulatory Consultant at ToxStrategies
○ Graduate-level coursework, Food Science (Cornell University);
○ Graduate-level coursework, Food Sciences (Michigan State University and Purdue University)
○ B.Sc. in Food Science (Michigan State University)
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