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Swine Health Blackbelt #9 - PRRSV outbreaks and what this study says can help the swine health blackbelt Jul 05, 2022

I am back with a third episode with Dr. Daniel Linhares and Dr. Giovani Trevisan to discuss what they recommend in times of a PRRSV outbreak and how best to respond. PRRSV can seriously impact the...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #8 - Tracking lineage of PRRS variants across the US the swine health blackbelt Jun 28, 2022

Hi Doc - your weekly 9-minute swine health research update is here:

One important step in discovering a solution to PRRS, is first trying to figure out where in the world all these variants are...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #7 - Dr. Daniel Linhares and Dr. Giovani Trevisan - The SDRS: A one-stop-shop for swine disease reporting and monitoring the swine health blackbelt Jun 21, 2022

Hi Doc - your weekly 9-minute swine health research update is here:

Part of a veterinarian's job is tracking disease outbreaks to identify the probability of their farm coming into contact with...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #6 - Test, identify, and remove - a novel ASF farm response strategy by Li Peng the swine health blackbelt Jun 14, 2022

ASF continues to be prevalent internationally and can be an economically devastating disease for pig farmers. The United States has successfully kept the disease out of its borders but it is...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #4 - Senecavirus A in swine populations by Guilherme Preis the swine health blackbelt May 31, 2022

Often being overshadowed by more “famous” swine diseases such as PRRSV and PEDV, Senecavirus A has been silently moving through swine herds since the late 80s. Not much is known about...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #3 - Dr. Edison Magalhães: How can we improve our current PRRSV regional control programs? the swine health blackbelt May 24, 2022

Controlling and minimizing PRRSV outbreaks is a major priority for farms everywhere. We currently have PRRSV regional control programs to better regulate how to respond when challenged or exposed...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #2 - Different PEDv vaccination strategies by Dr. Brent Sexton the swine health blackbelt May 17, 2022

Even with different types of vaccines available for PEDv, it still is a common issue that swine farms struggle with. In this episode, Dr. Clayton Johnson interviews Dr. Brent Sexton about his...

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