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The Poultry Podcast Show - #21 - Poultry pathology: the science of keeping birds healthy the poultry podcast show Jan 17, 2023

Do you know what poultry pathology is? It is the area that involves studying diseases that affect birds. Diagnosing those diseases is an important step in controlling and preventing outbreaks,...

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The Dairy Podcast Show - #19 - Milking and parlor efficiency: Are there issues? the dairy podcast show Jan 17, 2023

Ensuring continuous efficiency at milk production isn't an easy task: there are many challenges in the process. So how can we accomplish that? In this episode, with Dr. Paola Bacigalup,o we talk...

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The Beef Podcast Show - #8 - Navigating the beef cattle industry: nutritional aspects the beef podcast show Jan 10, 2023

The US cattle production is a complex multi-segment industry that counts with the participation of several parties, from the time the cattle are weaned to the time they are slaughtered. That is...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #36 - What is required to operate a commercial research program? - Part 2 the swine health blackbelt Jan 09, 2023

There are a lot of details and inner workings in a swine research facility, especially when it comes to running it at a commercial level and dealing with customers who expect top-notch, quality...

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The Dairy Podcast Show - #18 - Recent advances in dry off management of dairy cows the dairy podcast show Jan 09, 2023

Dry off management has never been as important as it is now, since preparing a cow correctly for the next lactation is key when it comes to maintaining the animal healthy during this whole new...

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The Beef Podcast Show - #7 - Micronutrients in beef cow nutrition: consequences of confinement and drought in metabolism. the beef podcast show Jan 03, 2023

The combination of high costs for pasture and drought conditions in Nebraska have led producers to bring cows into confinement, at least during a certain period of the year. However, that kind of...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #35 - Novel biologic compound with antiviral properties in pigs the swine health blackbelt Jan 02, 2023

As the use of antibiotics declines and public pressure for the elimination of pharmacological levels of zinc in swine diets increases, the industry finds itself in dire need of more methods for...

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