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Swine Health Blackbelt #16 - Heat stress in sows - can it affect litter performance too? by Dr. Jay Johnson the swine health blackbelt Aug 23, 2022

What if I told you that you could improve litter growth rate without any nutritional changes? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well in this episode with Dr. Jay Johnson, we discuss his research...

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The Poultry Podcast Show - #1 - How can disease diagnosis help to promote poultry production? the poultry podcast show Aug 23, 2022

Poultry production faces disease challenges every day, Avian influenza being one of the most critical. That’s why we must better understand how the diagnostic process works so we can help our...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #15 - Diving deeper into the gastric ulcers in pigs by Agbee Kpogo the swine health blackbelt Aug 16, 2022

We’ve seen several studies on gastric ulcers being influenced by either feed outages or by particle size, but we still don’t know the exact physiological mechanism that causes the onset...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #13 - Dr. Ana Paula Poeta Silva: Optimizing diagnostic strategies for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae the swine health blackbelt Aug 02, 2022

Much of the United States has become mycoplasma naive in the last several years, but that doesn't mean it isn't a threat for producers, especially regarding the gilt movement. In this episode, I...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #12 - Dr. Mariana Kikuti: PRRSV 1C variant - Will it stick around? the swine health blackbelt Jul 26, 2022

PRRS virus continues to create new variants, what a surprise… However, as unfortunate as it is, we need to tract the spread and transmission of these new variants to best keep our herds...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #11 - Dr. Henry Osemeke: Pooling samples for PRRSV testing: key points to consider the swine health blackbelt Jul 21, 2022

We all know that PRRSV has been a big concern shared by many swine producers and veterinarians across the US. It is therefore important to determine effectively the PRRSV status of the pig...

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Swine Health Blackbelt #10 - PCV-3: Testing methods and prevalence today the swine health blackbelt Jul 12, 2022

Since its discovery in 2015, PCV-3 has been a concern for veterinarians and swine producers worldwide. Fully knowing the impacts that PCV-2 can have on a farm, a third member of the Porcine...

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