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The Feed Science Podcast Show - #10 -  The benefits of using pulses in animal nutrition

the feed science podcast Sep 07, 2023

Welcome to a new episode of the Feed Science Podcast Show, where we have the pleasure of hosting Dr. Cara Cargo-Froom as our esteemed guest. In her prior research endeavors, Dr. Cargo-Froom has conducted extensive investigations about pulses and their potential as feed ingredients in animal diets. Pulses, such as common legumes like broad beans, navy beans, chickpeas, and lentils, are renowned for their nutritional richness. She shares with us the advantages of incorporating pulses into animal nutrition and how doing this can influence the operations of feed mills. Dr. Cargo-Froom also imparts valuable insights on the analysis of ingredient quality, the interdisciplinary nature of feed science and processing, and her research on equine nutrition and feed processing.


What you'll learn:

     ○ Benefits of using pulses in animal nutrition

     ○ Processing of pulses in feed mill

     ○ Ingredients’ quality analysis and its importance

     ○ Research on equine feed manufacturing


Meet the guest:

Dr. Cara Cargo-Froom 


     ○ Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Guelph


     ○ B.Sc., Zoology/Animal Biology (University of Guelph)

     ○ M.Sc., Animal Nutrition (University of Guelph)

     ○ PhD., Animal Nutrition (University of Guelph)

Connect with our guest on Social Media: LinkedIn