In this insightful episode, I am delighted to conduct an interview with Dr. Wilmer Pacheco. Dr. Pacheco's research primarily revolves around the significant correlation between feed processing, poultry nutrition, and the resulting impact on animal performance. Currently, his team is actively...
In our latest episode of The Poultry Nutrition BlackBelt, we introduce Vitor Santos Haetinger, a dedicated scholar who has just accomplished his master's degree at Purdue University. Now, Vitor embarks on his PhD journey, having as his primary goal the uncovering of optimization...
In this episode of The Poultry Nutrition Blackbelt we interview Dr. Victoria Anthony, a postdoctoral research associate from Iowa State University specialized in poultry nutrition and immunology. We dive into the core elements of the subject and shed light on some groundbreaking discoveries...
Welcome to The Poultry Nutrition Blackbelt Podcast, where we traverse the fascinating world of poultry nutrition. In this episode, Dr. Edgar Oviedo shares his impressive background in poultry research and delves into an in-depth discussion on the integral role that precision plays in poultry...
Subclinical necrotic enteritis, caused by the bacterium named Clostridium perfringens, can lead to performance losses due to compromised nutrient absorption arising from localized lesions in the intestinal tissue. With an innovative model based on the natural uptake of C. perfringens from the...
Subclinical necrotic enteritis, caused by the bacterium named Clostridium perfringens, can lead to performance losses due to compromised nutrient absorption arising from localized lesions in the intestinal tissue. With an innovative model based on the natural uptake of C. perfringens from the...
Over the years, US poultry farming has evolved into a leading global food-producing industry. However, it faces various challenges, including the wooden breast condition in broilers. In this episode, Dr. Majid Shakeri from the USDA shares his research on this critical issue. The woody breast...
Reducing the particle size of feed ingredients requires significant energy expenditure. When it comes to research on the subject, corn and wheat have been considered in most studies, but there is limited investigation on soybean meal. With that in mind, in this episode, Dr. John Boney discusses...
To reduce the presence of pathogenic bacteria, poultry feed can be pelleted at high temperatures and extended times. However, as conditioning temperature and time increase, amino acid conformation may change, thus reducing its digestibility and consequently affecting bird performance. In this...
Welcome to the Poultry Nutrition Blackbelt Podcast. Today, we are introduced to a new host who will be accompanying us along our ongoing series, Dr. Pratima Adhikari. In this episode, we engage in a fun and insightful conversation, discussing various aspects of Dr. Adhikari's expertise and...
Animals strongly rely on their microbiome, which mainly consists of bacteria, for digestion. Therefore, it plays a significant role in the regulation of their physiology and in the behavior of their gastrointestinal tract – in other words, in their overall health. That makes it essential...
Lipids play an essential role in organ development and perinatal growth. Functional omega-3 fatty acids, such as α-linoleic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, may improve chick quality and growth performance. In this episode, Dr. Aizwarya (Ash) Thanabalan explains her research, which involved...