Microbiology and food safety are essential in poultry production, preserving public health and supporting industry sustainability. Effective microbiological management safeguards both producers and consumers throughout the poultry production process. In this episode, we had the privilege of...
Over the years, the realm of animal welfare has not only gained significant attention but has also undergone substantial evolution. In this thought-provoking episode, I had the privilege of hosting Dr. Shawna Weimer for an insightful conversation on this subject. Our discussion delved into the...
Coccidiosis is a fatal protozoal disease causing diarrhea, weight loss and decreased performance in poultry. In this episode of the Poultry Podcast Show, join me and Dr. Kelley Wamsley as we engage in a conversation about that critical topic and the available solutions to address this significant...
When it comes to food safety, it's crucial to understand the microorganisms that pose a potential threat. Key players include Salmonella, Campylobacter, and E. Coli. When it comes to controlling these harmful organisms, the goal is not only to develop detection methods with higher speed and...
In Australia, the availability of feed ingredients such as corn and soy for poultry nutrition can be limited and expensive due to their dependence on imports, forcing them to use local ingredients, which often increase the cost of diets. Dr. Amy Moss, an Australian postdoctoral researcher at the...
In this episode, join Dr. Ken Macklin and me as we take a journey into his research on litter management, highlighting the approach to reducing pathogen loads in litter. We discuss litter amendments, ammonia control strategies, the pros and cons of the built-up litter system vs. the changing-out...
Approximately 244,000,000 eggs are set in incubators every week, and the average hatchability reported by the National Agricultural Statistical Service is 79.4%. That means only 79.4% of those eggs are hatching. As we know, this is a crucial productivity factor. Leticia Orellana, our guest, is...
Lighting is incredibly important for birds as it affects their behavior, physiology, and overall well-being. Various lighting components, such as light intensity, wavelength, and day length, play a significant role in bird performance and welfare. Properly managing lighting conditions can greatly...
Microbiology plays a pivotal role in the poultry industry as it ensures the health, welfare, and productivity of poultry. Thus, understanding poultry microbiology is crucial for preventing and controlling infectious diseases and guaranteeing the safety of poultry products for human...
Pasture poultry, a system where birds are raised in open fields, is an emergent and sustainable farming method. It allows the birds to roam freely, forage for insects and plants, and enjoy a more natural lifestyle. However, like any farming practice, pasture poultry has its challenges, one...
Foodborne illnesses remain a significant public health concern. Therefore, foodborne pathogens from poultry and other food animals must be detected and characterized in order to understand transmission routes, implement prevention strategies, and protect consumer health. To achieve that,...
Poultry genetics is a fascinating field that has significantly contributed to agriculture and shown a lot of potential. Every year, breakthroughs in poultry genetics technologies emerge – one such major development has been our ability to investigate the genetics of birds on a larger scale,...