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The Dairy Podcast Show - #23 - On-farm technologies: where are we? the dairy podcast show Feb 13, 2023

Technologies have come to stay on our farms! They may help us make better decisions and work with more precision, but in order to get the most out of them, we have to be up to date with the latest new...

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The Dairy Podcast Show - #22 - Forage research and corn silage - recent advances the dairy podcast show Feb 06, 2023

Recently, the rising prices of dairy feeds have tightened farm profits. To overcome this challenge, we need to make sure we have good-quality feed that can result in more milk production, which in tur...

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The Dairy Podcast Show - #21 - China’s milk market: threat or opportunity? the dairy podcast show Jan 31, 2023

Staying up to date with the latest opportunities in the dairy milk market is important for every farmer, manager, and dairy industry worker. In that sense, and considering that the US is one of the la...

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The Dairy Podcast Show - #20 - State-of-the-art dairy farming: reproductive performance on transition cows the dairy podcast show Jan 24, 2023

Reproductive performance is key to maintaining a cow productive and guaranteeing the next lactation. To achieve good results, we need to improve our knowledge about the reproduction of transition cows...

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The Dairy Podcast Show - #19 - Milking and parlor efficiency: Are there issues? the dairy podcast show Jan 17, 2023

Ensuring continuous efficiency at milk production isn't an easy task: there are many challenges in the process. So how can we accomplish that? In this episode, with Dr. Paola Bacigalup,o we talk about...

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The Dairy Podcast Show - #18 - Recent advances in dry off management of dairy cows the dairy podcast show Jan 09, 2023

Dry off management has never been as important as it is now, since preparing a cow correctly for the next lactation is key when it comes to maintaining the animal healthy during this whole new period....

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The Dairy Podcast Show - #17 - How can we succeed with alfalfa and perennial forages? the dairy podcast show Jan 02, 2023

Cutting costs with feed is becoming a challenge on dairy farms due to increasing prices. In that scenario, growing adequate quantities of high-quality forages with quality and productivity is a key st...

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