The Swine Nutrition Blackbet Podcast- #93 - Zinc Oxide Reduction and ABC Dynamics in Swine Nutrition

the swine nutrition blackbelt podcast Nov 23, 2023

Understanding acid binding capacity (ABC) is key in swine nutrition. This crucial factor significantly affects pig gut health and overall wellness. Adjusting ABC helps nutritionists improve feed efficiency and lessen dependence on additives like zinc oxide. In this episode, Dr. Mike Tokach and Ph.D. student Ethan Stas explored the ABC of common pig feeds. They highlighted the importance of careful ingredient selection to maintain optimal ABC levels, especially for reducing zinc oxide use. This knowledge is essential for those aiming to enhance swine diets for better health and environmental care.


Meet the guests: 

Dr. Mike Tokach



  • Current: Professor at the Kansas State University



  • Ph.D., Swine Nutrition (University of Minnesota)
  • M.Sc., Swine Nutrition (Kansas State University)
  • B.Sc., Animal Science (North Dakota State University)


Connect with our guest on Social Media: LinkedIn


Ethan Stas



  • Current: Ph.D. Student at Kansas State University



  • M.Sc. (Kansas State University)
  • B.Sc., Animal Science (Penn State University)