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The Swine it Podcast Show Canada - #30 - Overcoming Challenges in Swine Health Management in Western Canada

the swine it canada podcast Oct 12, 2023

In this episode, I had the opportunity to welcome Dr. Jette Christensen to discuss very interesting topics about epidemiology and swine health surveillance. In addition to being a veterinarian and holding a Ph.D. in epidemiology, Dr. Jette has incredible practical experience, from her work in the Danish swine industry to her current work with the Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network. Throughout this episode, we will understand how it works, what the objectives and challenges of Canada's Intelligent Network are, in addition to understanding the differences between work in Danish and Canadian pig farming. Listen now and take advantage of all the knowledge available.


What you’ll learn:

     ○ Dr. Jette's journey - From Denmark to Canada

     ○ Health challenges in Denmark

     ○ Objectives and functions of the intelligence network

     ○ Differences between working in Denmark and Canada

     ○ Current diseases attracting attention


Meet the guest:

Dr. Jette Christensen


     ○ Current: Manager in Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network (CWSHIN)

     ○ Past: Owner in Epidemiologic Surveillance and Analysis Consulting (EpiSAC)



     ○ Ph.D., in Epidemiology (Kongelige Veterinær- Og Landbohøjskole)

     ○ B.Sc., in Veterinary Medicine (Kongelige Veterinær- Og Landbohøjskole)