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The Swine it Podcast Show Canada - #22 - Modernizing Biosecurity: Ensuring Swine Health and Productivity

the swine it canada podcast Aug 18, 2023

Hello there, 

Swineherd health is a pressing concern across the globe, and stringent biosecurity measures have been implemented to maintain the robustness and productivity of pig populations. In this episode, I spoke with Dr. Luc Dufresne. Our conversation highlights the shift towards biocontainment for a more dynamic approach, emphasizing a two-way disease prevention strategy—addressing both incoming and outgoing risks. He warns against macro-level biosecurity pitfalls and stresses the importance of understanding disease epidemiology. He advocates for adaptable, science-based strategies rather than blindly adhering to tradition.


What you’ll learn:

1. The global approach to biosecurity

2. Biocontainment and prevention measures

3. Quarantine and prevention measures for imported animals

4. Usage of technology and intelligence in swine health and biosecurity

5. Multilevel view on biosecurity - farm, system, and the region


Meet the guest:

Dr. Luc Dufresne


  • Current: Swine veterinarian at the Luc Dufresne Inc.


  • D.M.V., at the University of Montreal 

Let’s connect on social media: Linkedin