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The Poultry Podcast Show - #32 - Teaching ag-related courses: opportunities and perspectives for the future

the poultry podcast show Apr 04, 2023

Teaching can be challenging, especially when it comes to ag-related courses. That is because aside from lecturing, professors must also engage students in hands-on learning experiences, such as laboratory and field work, in order to help them apply their knowledge in the real world. In that sense, communication between educators and their students is essential, as is providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment that encourages critical thinking and creativity. During this episode, Dr. Emmert discusses the challenges and opportunities present in this new generation and provides an outlook on funding, jobs, and technology related to teaching.


What you’ll learn:

1. The impact of an ag background on youth

2. Challenges of the new undergrad generation

3. Contemporary issues with agriculture consumers and environmental sciences

4. Teaching with live animals

5. Advice for those pursuing an ag undergrad

6. Funding outlook for students in ag

7. Job outlook in the ag

8. Technology in an Animal Sciences curriculum

9. Current research and collaborative work


Meet the guest

Dr. Jason Emmert


 Current: Professor at the University of Illinois

○ Past: Faculty member at the University of Arkansas; Assistant Dean in the University of Illinois College of ACES Office of Academic Programs.


 Ph.D., Nutritional Science (University of Illinois)

○ M.S., Nutritional Sciences (University of Illinois)

○ B.S., Agricultural Science (University of Illinois)

Hobbies: Reading and gardening

Favorite book, movie or TV series: I enjoy classic Literature – some favorites are Tale of Two CitiesLes Miserables (THE BOOK!), Ben HurSherlock Holmes, and many others. Favorite TV Series are The ChosenSeinfeldThe Office, and Brooklyn 99 (in that order).

Favorite quote: "What's feelings got to do with it?" – Gary Davis (a close friend and colleague in Arkansas). I know the grammar is problematic, but I've used this in parenting, in teaching, in research, and in life in general.

A tip for success: Don't let perfect be the enemy of good (sort of works for a quote too).

Connect with our guest on Social Media: Twitter