The Poultry Podcast Show - #17 - Poultry Sustainability: Current Initiatives and Future Directions

the poultry podcast show Dec 12, 2022

Poultry sustainability is a growing concern within the poultry industry as consumers and regulators demand more environmentally friendly and sustainable practices. There are currently several initiatives aimed at improving poultry sustainability, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, decreasing the use of antibiotics, and improving waste management. A growing global population and an increasing demand for poultry products also pose challenges to the industry. To reduce environmental impact, the poultry industry must find new ways to innovate. In this episode, Dr. Todd Applegate discusses some of the challenges of poultry sustainability. He also highlights the importance of impactful and relevant research in poultry science for the sake of progress.


What you’ll learn:

1. Entering into poultry career

2. How to remain impactful and relevant in Poultry Science academia

3. Progress of science, scientists, and research

4. Poultry sustainability initiatives 

5. Recycling and sustainability

6. Sustainability, nutrition, and antibiotic-free diets

7. New technologies and the future of sustainability in poultry


Meet the guest

Dr. Todd Applegate


      ○ Current:

           ■  Department Head and R. Harold and Patsy Harrison Distinguished Professor in Poultry Science at the University of Georgia.

      ○ Past:

           ■ President at Poultry Science Association;

           ■ Professor and Extension Poultry Specialist at Purdue University.

● Background

      ○ Post-doctoral Research Associate in Poultry Nutrition, from the University of Maryland College Park;

      ○ Ph.D. in Animal Science from The Ohio State University;

      ○ BS/MS in Animal Science from Iowa State University

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