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The Poultry Podcast Show - #48 - Parasite Management in Pasture Poultry

the poultry podcast show Aug 01, 2023

Pasture poultry, a system where birds are raised in open fields, is an emergent and sustainable farming method. It allows the birds to roam freely, forage for insects and plants, and enjoy a more natural lifestyle. However, like any farming practice, pasture poultry has its challenges, one significant concern for farmers being the presence of parasites. In this episode, Dr. Maria Terra-Long discusses her research on parasites affecting poultry farms and emphasizes how managing the risks associated with these parasites can support the well-being and productivity of pasture-raised poultry.


What you’ll learn:

1. Research on Ascaridia galli in poultry

2. The impacts of parasites on pasture poultry

3. Parasites affecting laying hens and broilers

4. Recommendations for treating parasites

5. Poultry insectome in and around broiler breeder farms

6. Choosing yeast probiotics

7. Trends in the usage of yeast probiotics

8. The role and experience of a professional as a D.V.M. and Ph.D. holder

9. Current veterinary concerns and potential uses of probiotics

10. Unique problems of broiler breeders


Meet the guest

Dr. Maria Terra-Long



○ Ph.D., Poultry Science (Auburn University)

D.V.M. (the Federal University of Minas Gerais)

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