The Poultry Podcast Show - #28 - Maximizing broiler performance: the importance of the physical quality of feed
Mar 07, 2023When it comes to poultry, the physical quality of feed is a critical factor for optimizing broiler performance, because feed particle and nutrient distribution can affect growth and efficiency. Thus, we can enhance the profitability of the flock by improving the physical quality of the feed, increasing nutrient intake, and reducing feed waste. However, to achieve those goals, we need to carefully take into consideration factors such as feed formulation, processing, and distribution. In this episode, Dr. Kelley Wamsley discusses ongoing research on the topic, aimed to maximize broiler performance based on those many aspects.
What you’ll learn:
1. Some advice for your past self
2. Teaching philosophy
3. How to encourage students to pursue Poultry Science
4. The core mission of research programs
5. The impact of feed distribution on feed quality and nutrient segregation
6. The impact of beak size on preferences for feed particle size in starting chicks
Meet the guest
Dr. Kelley Wamsley
○ Current: Associate Professor of Poultry Nutrition at Mississippi State University.
○ Ph.D., Poultry Nutrition and Feed Manufacture (West Virginia University)
○ M.Sc. (West Virginia University)
○ B.Sc. (West Virginia University)
Hobbies: anything outdoors and being with animals (especially dogs).
Favorite book, movie or TV series: survival shows and anything on National Geographic, for example, along with The Office.
Favorite quote: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off; “Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.” ― Angela Duckworth, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.
A tip for success: Something I sometimes struggle with is finishing things, because I want them to be "perfect" – we all need to give ourselves a break every once in a while and recognize that, though something may not be as perfect as it could be, it is good enough.
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