The Poultry Podcast Show - #8 - How can feed mills contribute to better poultry production?
Oct 11, 2022Nutrition is a key to success in poultry production. That means that every process involved with nutrition is crucial to ensure the best outcomes – and that’s where the feed mill comes in. Understanding and improving feed mill processes and regulations, feed milling operations, ingredient and feed quality, and feed safety are essential for supporting the poultry industry. In this episode, I talk to Dr. Wilmer Pacheco about the impact of the feed milling process, nutrition, and physiology on poultry performance. Additionally, we discuss some novel research that can lead to changes in this area.
What you’ll learn:
1. Pellets microstructure
2. Particle size requirements of broilers
3. Particle size standards
4. The importance of pellet quality and how to improve it
5. High volume feed mill production
6. Particle size analysis
7. Salmonella control in feed mills
Meet the guest: Dr. Wilmer Pacheco has obtained his Bachelor Degree in Food Science and Technology at the Pan-American School of Agriculture, in Honduras. Shortly afterwards, he moved to North Carolina, where he joined a feed milling manager trainee program with Murphy Brown LLC and became the night shift supervisor, responsible for overseeing the production of approximately 10,000 tons of pelleted feed per week. Then, he obtained a Scholarship at the Poultry Department at North Carolina State University, where he also earned his Master's Degree in Poultry Science and his Doctorate in Physiology and Nutrition. In 2014, he joined the Department of Poultry Science of Auburn University, where he has been working as Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist. His research focuses on the interrelationships between feed milling, nutrition, and physiology on poultry performance. Dr. Wilmer has written more than 100 popular press and research articles and has been invited to present. lectures in more than 12 countries.
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