The Beef Podcast Show - #31 - The future of the beef industry: holistic thinking, collaborative science, and technolog
Jun 28, 2023Taking a holistic perspective and understanding technological advancements are crucial to manage animal health and improve risk categorization in today's beef industry. In this episode, Dr. Krehbiel emphasizes that interdisciplinary collaboration approaches are key to addressing grand challenges in ruminant nutrition. Also, he highlights that connecting people with the sources of their food and enhancing their understanding of food production can bridge the gap between agriculture and the general population and thus, help pave a better future for the beef industry.
What you’ll learn:
1. The importance of holistic thinking for the industry
2. Learning, building trust, and seeking opportunities
3. Technological advancements for understanding and managing animal health
4. Collaborative approaches for addressing grand challenges in ruminant nutrition
5. Science as part of the storytelling
6. The value of ecosystems
7. Future perspectives for the beef industry
Meet the guest
Dr. Clint Krehbiel
○ Current: Dean of Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Texas Tech University
○ Past: Dennis and Marta White Endowed Regents Professor at Oklahoma State University; Marvel L. Baker Head and Professor of Animal Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
○ Postdoctorate (US Meat Animal Research Center)
○ Ph.D. (the University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
○ M.Sc. (Kansas State University)
○ B.Sc. (Kansas State University)
Hobbies: I grew up working draft horses and still enjoy the gentle giants (I don't currently have horses). Nowadays, the majority of non-work time is for keeping up with my family.
Favorite book, movie or TV series: Farmers versus Foodies, by Ray A. Starling
A tip for success: Network and stay engaged with your profession and professional colleagues. Find the right balance between work and your personal time.
Connect with our guest on Social Media: LinkedIn