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The Beef Podcast Show - #33 - The blue in the green revolution: the role of algae and the ocean in beef production

the beef podcast show Jul 12, 2023

Hey, there!

In this episode, Dr. DiLorenzo and I discuss significant breakthroughs in greenhouse gas reduction: the potential of algae as inhibitors of methane emissions. Although not all algae possess this capacity, some do have that potential and as such, it is important to discuss the challenges and opportunities of scaling up algae production and the potential role of the ocean in expanding agricultural areas. Additionally, Dr. DiLorenzo emphasizes the need for mitigation strategies that maintain production levels and highlights the importance of identifying highly productive animals to reduce the carbon footprint, employing management strategies such as culling unproductive animals, optimizing stocking rates and grazing, and implementing strategic supplementation.


What you’ll learn:

1. Mentoring 101: the personal approach and high fixed expectations 

2.Feed efficiency in the reduction of emissions

3.Breakthroughs in methane abatement 

4.The blue in the green revolution: grazing oceans 

5.Challenges in methane abatement

6.Applied ways of reducing the carbon footprint of the ranch


Meet the guest

Dr. Nicolas DiLorenzo


     ○ Current: Professor at the University of Florida

     ○ Past: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Texas Tech University


     ○ Ph.D. (the University of Minnesota)

     ○ M.Sc. (the University of Minnesota)

     ○ Degree in Agricultural Engineering (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)

Hobby: playing soccer (sports in general), fishing, and gardening

Favorite quote: "Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." – Confucius

A tip for success: Do your best

Connect with our guest on Social Media: LinkedIn