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The Beef Podcast Show - The Art of Preconditioning Calves: Adding Value to Your Herd

the beef podcast show Oct 26, 2023


In the competitive world of cattle production, cow-calf producers are constantly seeking ways to enhance the value of their weaned calves. One management practice that has gained popularity over the years is preconditioning calves. Preconditioning programs involve a carefully planned process focusing on calf growth, immune system function, and stress reduction. While they require more time, labor, and expense than traditional weaning methods, the potential benefits are substantial. In this blog post, we'll delve into calf preconditioning, exploring this management strategy's why, how, and potential rewards.


The Basics of Preconditioning

Preconditioning programs are not a quick fix; they require a minimum of 45 to 60 days of commitment. The core elements of such programs include defined health protocols, weaning calves at least 45 days before sale, training calves to eat feed from a bunk and drink from a water trough, and upgrading their health status through vaccination and deworming procedures.

  • Time Matters

The timeframe for preconditioning is not negotiable. Producers need to plan accordingly, ensuring that calves have the time to adapt and grow during the preconditioning period.

  • Labor-Intensive

Preconditioning involves a substantial increase in labor compared to traditional weaning methods. It's vital to have enough labor available to handle the workload effectively.

  • Economical Evaluation

The economic aspect of preconditioning should be carefully evaluated. While it involves increased expenses, the potential return on investment through enhanced calf health and value can make it a profitable choice.


Why Preconditioning?

  • Improved Health

Preconditioning programs significantly boost the immune system of calves, making them more resistant to diseases. This results in healthier, more robust animals.

  • Optimized Nutrition

Proper nutrition is critical during preconditioning. Calves are prepared for the next production phase, whether entering the stocker phase or moving directly to the feedlot. The goal is to ensure they are healthy, adapted to feed and water, castrated, dehorned, and ready to start gaining weight immediately.

  • Enhanced Performance

Calves that have undergone preconditioning are well-prepared to excel. They start eating and gaining weight upon arrival at the stocker operation or feedlot, improving overall performance and growth.

  • Increased Value

Specific buyers are willing to pay a premium for preconditioned calves. This is because they understand that the added cost of a preconditioned calf can be more than offset by reduced sickness, lower medicine costs, decreased labor requirements, improved performance, and enhanced beef quality.


Marketing and Collaboration

Effective preconditioning doesn't happen in isolation. Producers should collaborate with their nutritionist and veterinarian to develop a program tailored to their farm's unique needs and the expectations of their calves' future buyers. Establishing a preconditioning program that aligns with your farm's goals is essential.



In cattle production, preconditioning calves is a practice that should be noticed. It's a management strategy that can transform your calf-rearing operation by promoting growth, enhancing immune system function, and reducing stress. Although it requires a higher investment in time, labor, and expense, the potential benefits, such as reduced stress, improved immune system, enhanced performance, and increased value, make it a wise choice for forward-thinking cow-calf producers.

Preconditioning is not just about preparing calves for the next production phase but elevating your herd's overall quality and value. With the right approach, you can develop a reputation for producing high-quality cattle, add significant value to your home-raised calves, and ultimately increase your income through retained ownership. Properly preconditioned calves may command a premium that more than justifies the program's cost. So, as a cow-calf producer, it's time to explore the world of calf preconditioning and unlock its potential for your operation.