The Beef Podcast Show - #2 - Better safe than sorry: how to be prepared for the next drought

the beef podcast show Nov 29, 2022

Mother nature can be tough on us – humans and livestock alike. This year, we were given proof of that once again, as a devastating drought led the US to emergency measures. Truth be said, there are limitations when it comes to mitigation strategies to minimize the impact of these climate conditions, but what can we objectively do to protect the cattle? And after the drought, how can we proceed? What strategies can we use to improve the outcomes and try to get the best out of the situation? In this episode, Dr. Megan Van Emon discusses some of the challenges a drought brings and presents some possible strategies and alternatives to deal with them. 

What you’ll learn:

  1. Drought management and strategies
  2. Vitamin A deficiency and consequent issues
  3. Cattle aspects to consider during the drought and the winter
  4. Dealing with the drought: 2017 vs. now
  5. Last spring’s cattle production
  6. How producers deal with cold stress
  7. Some key points on beef production


Meet the guests:

Dr. Megan Van Emon received her B.S. in Animal Science from Purdue University, her M.S. and Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition from North Dakota State University, and her Postdoctoral from Iowa State University. In 2014, Dr. Van Emon was hired as an Assistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Specialist at Michigan State University. Her Extension program focuses on beef cattle nutrition and management, and her research program focuses on questions and concerns learned from beef cattle producers. Dr. Van Emon has provided her graduate students with unique opportunities to gain Extension experience and has published 27 reviewed Extension publications and 24 peer-reviewed research publications. She has recently completed her term as a member of the Beef Symposium Committee for WSASAS.