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The Feed Science Podcast Show - #19 - The impact of pellet quality on farm nutrient distribution

the feed science podcast Nov 08, 2023

Welcome to another insightful episode of The Feed Science Podcast Show. Today, I'm thrilled to have Dr. John Boney, an esteemed assistant professor from Penn State University, join us. Together, we'll dive into the intricate world of feed pellets, examining their quality and the significant role it plays in the distribution of nutrients on farms. We'll also navigate through the complexities of different feeder systems and their influence on pellet integrity. Plus, Dr. Boney sheds light on the challenges that feed mills face as they strive to harmonize the pace of production with the maintenance of pellet quality. 


Meet the guest:

Dr. John Boney



  • Assistant Professor at The Pennsylvania State University


  • B.Sc., Animal Sciences (West Virginia University)
  • M.Sc., Applied Poultry Nutrition and Feed Manufacturing (West Virginia University);
  • Ph.D., Applied Poultry Nutrition and Feed Manufacturing (West Virginia University).


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