Swine Health Blackbelt #2 - Different PEDv vaccination strategies by Dr. Brent Sexton

the swine health blackbelt May 17, 2022

Even with different types of vaccines available for PEDv, it still is a common issue that swine farms struggle with. In this episode, Dr. Clayton Johnson interviews Dr. Brent Sexton about his experiencies with PEDv vaccines and how he has been utilizing a different vaccination method to try and increase the effectiveness of the vaccine in his sow herds. Take 9 minutes out of your day and give this a listen!



Meet the guest: Dr. Brent Sexton grew up on a farm near Rockwell City, Iowa. He was active in both 4-H and FFA which he credits for his desire to become a veterinarian. Brent attended Iowa State University where he completed both his degree in animal science in 2014 and his degree in veterinary medicine in 2018. After graduation he began working as a veterinarian for Pipestone before transitioning to the Maschhoffs in 2019. Dr. Sexton’s primary interests are infectious swine diseases, diagnostics interpretation, and swine production.