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Poultry Nutrition Blackbelt - #4 - The power of the gut microbiome of birds

the poultry nutrition blackbelt Jul 12, 2023

Animals strongly rely on their microbiome, which mainly consists of bacteria, for digestion. Therefore, it plays a significant role in the regulation of their physiology and in the behavior of their gastrointestinal tract – in other words, in their overall health. That makes it essential for us to take good care of gut microbiota if we are to maintain the well-being of our animals. In this episode, Dr. Tellez-Isaias discusses the importance of the gastrointestinal tract, going into the symbiotic relationship between animals and the bacteria that reside within them.


Meet the guest:

Dr. Guillermo Tellez-Isaias



      ○ Current: Research Professor at the University of Arkansas

      ○ Past: Full Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico; Head of the Avian Medicine Department of the College of Veterinary Medicine.


      ○ Ph.D. (Texas A&M University)

      ○ M.Sc., Veterinary Sciences  (the National Autonomous University of Mexico)

      ○D.V.M. (the National Autonomous University of Mexico)

Hobbies: running, cycling, and swimming.

Favorite book, movie or TV series: The Human Superorganism, by Rodney Dietert

Favorite quote: "Whatever the question, love is the answer." – Wayne Dyer Newton

A tip for success: Never give up.

Connect with our guest on Social Media: LinkedIn