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Poultry Nutrition Blackbelt - #13 - Digestible Phosphorus: A Key to Efficient Poultry Nutrition

the poultry nutrition blackbelt Sep 13, 2023

In our latest episode of The Poultry Nutrition BlackBelt, we introduce Vitor Santos Haetinger, a dedicated scholar who has just accomplished his master's degree at Purdue University. Now, Vitor embarks on his PhD journey, having as  his primary goal  the uncovering of optimization secrets in poultry nutrition. Key to Vitor's research is his focus on digestible phosphorus, specially in poultry meal and soybean. Determining the exact quantity of this essential nutrient that broilers can utilize could significantly minimize waste and optimize poultry performance. 


Meet the guest:

Vitor Santos Haetinger, M.Sc.


  • B.Sc., Animal Sciences (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria)
  • M.Sc., Monogastric Nutrition (Purdue University)
  • PhD. Candidate (Purdue University)