The Pet Food Science Podcast Show - #14: Consumer Choices in Pet Nutrition - What Drives Decision-Making
Sep 13, 2023The pet food industry undergoes constant evolution, driven by scientific research. A captivating realm within this sector is the analysis of consumer behavior, particularly the perceptions and buying choices of pet owners. In this episode, we discuss consumer behavior and pet nutrition with researcher Sydney Banton. Sydney shares findings from her survey-based research, illuminating trends in pet owners' preferences, exercise routines, and perceptions of their dogs' weight. Additionally, she provides a glimpse into her groundbreaking metabolomics study on pulse ingredient diets, unveiling the intriguing landscape of pet food research.
What you’ll learn:
1. Distributing a survey in different countries
2. Discussing limitations and challenges of research
3. Exploring the traits of people who prefer no grain for their pets
4. The correlation between the owner's exercise routine and the dog's exercise routine
5. The perception of the dog's body weight
Meet the guest:
Sydney Banton, M.Sc.
○ Current: PhD Student at the University of Guelph
○ Past: Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Guelph
○ M.Sc., Companion Animal Nutrition (University of Guelph)
○ B.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (University of Toronto)
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