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The Swine it Podcast Show Canada - #37 - Functional Nutrients and Their Effects on Pigs' Immune and Gastrointestinal Health

the swine it canada podcast Nov 30, 2023

This episode delves into the dynamic field of swine nutrition, vital for the industry's sustainability and efficiency. Our very special guest (as well as co-host of our podcast!), Dr. Dan Columbus from the Prairie Swine Center, shares his extensive knowledge and research experience, focusing on protein and amino acid nutrition. He explored functional nutrients and their effects on pigs' immune and gastrointestinal health. Discover how dietary elements such as fiber and functional amino acids affect both gut health and pathogen response. 




What you’ll learn:

  • The concept of functional nutrients in the diet of pigs
  • Specific functional nutrients in swine nutrition
  • How fiber and amino acids contribute to the overall health and nutrition of pigs
  • Differences between nutritional and functional responses in pigs
  • Effective dietary strategies for pigs dealing with health challenges


Meet the guest:

Dr. Dan Columbus


  • Current: Research Scientist at Prairie Swine Centre
  • Past: Western Director & Chair - Honors & Awards Committee at Canadian Society of Animal Science



  • Ph.D., Animal Nutrition and Metabolism (Non-Ruminant) (University of Guelph)
  • M.S., Animal Nutrition (Non-Ruminant)  (University of Guelph)
  • B.Sc., Animal Biology (University of Guelph)


Connect with our guest on Social Media: LinkedIn