The Dairy Podcast Show - #47 - Small details, big problems: the impacts of flies on dairy production
Aug 01, 2023While they may seem insignificant to the dairy industry at a first glance, flies do pose considerable challenges to dairy cattle that are already facing thermal and ambient stress, as they intensify stress levels and severely affect productivity. Our guest, Dr. Alex Sanchez from the University of New Mexico, sheds light on dairy farming and the role of fly control for milk yields and weight gain. We discuss the impact of fly infestations on dairy production and the adoption of scientific pest control solutions, along with the implications of fly pests and data-driven decision-making. All in all, Dr. Sanchez emphasizes the importance of focusing on small details for optimal outcomes.
What you'll learn:
1. Management of pests Integrated pest management
2. Discussing biological control tools
3. The importance of quick action tools in pest management
4. Understanding the problem of resistance
5. Explaining environmental control strategies
6. The connection between economic aspects and pest control
7. The impact of stress caused by flies on the bacterial protein production of cows
Meet the guest:
Dr. Ulises Alex Sanchez Sandoval
○ Current: Manager of Operations at the New Mexico State University
○ Past: Health Services Manager in Establo Don Reyes
○ Ph.D., Ruminant Nutrition / Veterinary Entomology (the New Mexico State University)
○ M.Sc. (the New Mexico State University)
○ D.V.M. (Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro)
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