The Dairy Podcast Show - #6 - Dealing with heat stress: how do cows do it?
Oct 24, 2022Heat stress can severely affect the feeding behavior, immune response, and production performance of dairy cows. Besides, it also has the potential to affect not only lactation cows, but calves and dry cows as well. Our guests, Drs. Peter Hansen, Lance Baumgard, and Agustin Rius, have different focuses in their researches on how heat stress impacts those animals. Thus, a round table discussion is held in today's episode to discuss how we can better understand the way cows are affected by heat stress, and the consequences of that.
What you'll learn:
1. The effect of immune function on feeding intake behavior
2. The effects of genetics on the animals’ ability to cope with heat stress
3. Slick Holstein cattle
4. Body temperature vs. performance
5. The role of immune function on heat stressed animals
6. The importance of health microbiome
7. Dietary post-biotics in heat stressed animals
8. The importance of microenvironment
9. The future of this research area
Meet the guest: Dr. Peter Hansen got his B.S. in Agriculture, with high honors, at the University of Illinois, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Endocrinology – Reproductive Physiology from the University of Wisconsin. He is currently the L.E. Red Larson, Professor of Animal Sciences at the University of Florida, where he started as an Assistant Professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine and later on, switched to the Department of Animal Science.
Dr. Lance Baumgard received his B.S. in Agriculture and his M.S. in Animal Science from the University of Minnesota, and completed his Ph.D. in Animal Science at Cornell University. He started off at the Department of Animal Science of Iowa State University, as an Associate Professor, and then has become a Norman L. Jacobson Endowed Professor in Dairy Nutrition – the role he occupies to this day.
Dr. Agustin Rius received his D.V.M. and M.S. in Animal Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his Ph.D. in Animal Science at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He currently works in the Department of Animal Science at the University of Tennessee and focuses his research program on understanding the role of nutrients, hormones, and regulatory mechanisms of key metabolic pathways to improve nutrient use efficiency in growing and lactating animals.
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