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The Swine it Podcast Show - #225 - A Step into the Future: Embracing Sustainability in Pig Production

the swine it podcast show Nov 28, 2023

In this episode, Dr. Erin Cortus, a respected associate professor and extension engineer at the University of Minnesota sheds light on the crucial role of sustainable practices in ensuring the industry's future. Dr. Cortus emphasizes why it's key to make plans that fit each farm and to keep checking and improving them. The episode's key topics include greenhouse gas emissions, the importance of integrating biosecurity in sustainable farming models, and the role of education and communication in promoting sustainability.


What you’ll learn:

  • Key concepts of sustainability in swine production
  • The role of monitoring in swine welfare and sustainability
  • The swine industry's engagement in sustainability programs
  • How to balance greenhouse gas reduction and water quality
  • The importance of integrating biosecurity in sustainable farming models


Meet the guest:

Dr. Erin Cortus



  • Current: Associate Professor and Extension Engineer at University of Minnesota
  • Past: Associate Professor at South Dakota State University



  • Ph.D., Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering (University of Saskatchewan)
  • B.Sc., Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering (University of Saskatchewan)

Connect with our guest on Social Media: LinkedIn