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Swine Health Blackbelt #30 - How does PRRSv sequencing help vets out in the field? by Dr. Joel Sparks

the swine health blackbelt Nov 28, 2022

Whole genome PRRSv sequencing is a topic that has already been discussed in more detail in some earlier episodes, with Dr. Linhares and Dr. Trevisan. But regardless of how important it is, its applicability at a university, inside a lab, may be different than its use for producers. So how does this method apply to vets working on a farm? In today’s episode, I talk with Dr. Joel Sparks about his experience with using whole genome PRRS sequencing to test for PRRSv in commercial facilities, and how this sequencing method can be beneficial for improving biosecurity.

Meet the guest: 

Dr. Joel Sparks is a Swine Veterinarian at AMVC Management Services. He earned his M.S. in Veterinary Preventive Medicine and his DVM of Veterinary Medicine from Iowa State University in 2015, and in this same year, he started at his present role. Dr. Sparks is currently located in Lafayette, Indiana, where he is responsible for AMVC farms in Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio. He is also a member of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians.