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The Swine it Podcast Show Canada - Dr. Marie-Pierre Létourneau Montminy: Mycotoxins & Mineral Metabolism | Ep. 100

the swine it canada podcast Feb 13, 2025

In this episode of The Swine it Podcast Show Canada, Dr. Marie-Pierre Létourneau Montminy from Laval University breaks down the impact of mycotoxins on calcium and phosphorus metabolism in swine. From gut permeability and nutrient absorption to environmental challenges, she explores strategies for improving bone mineralization and feed efficiency. Listen now on all major platforms!

What will you learn: 

  • Mycotoxins' impact on metabolism
  • Calcium-phosphorus absorption link
  • Gut permeability in swine
  • Sustainable nutrition strategies
  • Implications for bone health


Meet the guest:

Dr. Marie-Pierre Létourneau-Montminy is an Associate Professor at Laval University, where she leads cutting-edge research on sustainable animal nutrition. She leads the University Laval Partnership Research Chair on "Alternative Feeding Strategies for Pigs and Poultry" and the Canada Research Chair on "Sustainable Animal Protein Production." With a Ph.D. in animal nutrition and numerous research publications, he is a recognized authority in sustainable swine nutrition and production.
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