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The Swine Health Blackbelt Podcast - Dr. Brad Leuwerke: E. coli Controlling Strategies | Ep. 115

the swine health blackbelt Jul 24, 2024

In this episode of The Swine Health Blackbelt Podcast, Dr. Brad Leuwerke discusses strategies for controlling E. coli in nursery pigs. Dr. Leuwerke shares insights on barn sanitation, medication strategies, and the use of feed additives to manage E. coli. Join us for practical tips and advanced strategies to boost herd health and lower nursery mortality rates.

What will you learn: 

  • E. coli challenges
  • Sanitation strategies
  • Medication tactics
  • Feed additive use
  • Timing treatments

Meet the guest:

Dr. Brad Leuwerke is a veterinarian and partner at Swine Vet Center in Saint Peter, Minnesota. He graduated from Iowa State University in 2006 and grew up on a crop and hog farm in North Central Iowa. Dr. Leuwerke specializes in swine health and production, managing sow herd and nursery/grow-finish health, training clients, and conducting research. He has received multiple research grants for investigating the impact of Influenza, Circovirus, and PRRS.