The Feed Science Podcast Show - # 8 - Behind the scenes of animal food safety
Aug 17, 2023Today, I invite you to join me and Marissa Cohen, an area specialized agent in animal food safety at North Carolina State Prestage Department of Poultry Science. Her work has been proven to be highly valuable, as she assists stakeholders with questions and concerns related to food safety. During our discussion, we explore Dr. Cohen's daily routine, the challenges of simultaneously being a student and an employee, her pivotal role in ensuring industry compliance with food safety regulations, and the significant impact this work carries.
What you'll learn:
○ Day to day in a FSMA position
○ Animal food safety challenges
○ Regulator interactions: confrontation vs. learning experience
○ Common questions from stakeholders
○ Comparing small vs. large scale facility interactions
Meet the guest:
Dr. Marissa Herchler Cohen
○ Area Specialized Agent at Prestage Department of Poultry Science
○ Ph.D., Animal and Poultry Nutrition (North Carolina State University)
○ M.Sc., Animal Sciences (North Carolina State University)
○ B.Sc., Zoology/Animal Biology (North Carolina State University)
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